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Love, love.
Saturday, April 14, 2007

It's 4.28 in the morning. I couldn't sleep because when I close my eyes it will have this burning sensation and it will irritate my eye. Then, I will start to tear. DANG. Haven't gotten the chance to sleep yet. I'm going to get dark rings under my eyes again. GRRR.

Today's drama was exciting. Went all the way to COMPASS POINT to do reflection on SYF. And we gossiped like nobody's business. Nora made us laugh so hard when she did he PATRICK impression. :D & Arts Fiesta is coming soon! All the best for the performers. (: I am NOT performing this year, so don't bother asking, "Eh, you not performing meh?" BAH. Guys, you must go! Don't waste your $10.00. SUPPORT LOCAL TALENT. Now, I must sleep... I MUST.

MISSING; to feel the lack or loss of. I miss school already.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

I was SUPER emo on saturday alright. Pardon me. Anyway, don't assume it's a mood swing everytime. I have a valid reason to be so EMOtionally active. It's a nice feeling though. People get all poetic when they're... EMOtionally active. (:

I'm totally uninspired to blog. Life has been so routine. Now that drama is finally over, and the Total Defence project is done... I have more time to pay my sleep debts. My eye bags are piling up like mad. Blah... PEOPLE, you can stop reading here. I want a moment to be EMOTIONALLY ACTIVE.

I'll rather go with them, mind you. Forgive me for saying this, but everytime a group of us go out...I'm always on the other end of the table. Well, I am usually on the extreme end of everything. Eating on my own. Minding my own business. While you guys were having a laugh, I just sat there and pretend to understand what the joke was. What's the use in inviting me in the first place? I don't know. This always happens. Like I'm in a league all on my own.

Sometimes, it's best if I were to go all alone, isn't it? Wouldn't it be the same? I'll be eating by myself. Minding my own business, as usual. It's true what that person said, about me having only 1 friend. And now, I feel like that one person is slowly breaking their bonds of friendship with me too. I can't say nevermind and move on with life. I like that feeling of familiarity, that little bit of attention. Anything to make me feel like I exist. I don't know.

of the coolest person, ever

A selfish, shallow individual who is simple-minded but pretends to be someone complicated because every one is like that. I know this description will need to be changed and maybe the next time I look at it, I will go, "What the hell was I thinking?" until then, I shall keep it like that. Oh, I like black and I try so hard to be an individual. It's so hard to be just that when everyone is trying to be their own person. So, I gave up and became like everyone else. The world is complicated.

facebook! livejournal! email! twitter! tumblr! maybe soon.

for your bloody comments.

whenever this blog bores you.

♥Tegan and Sara
Limited Hype | Tuneage

abel afidah aiken alisha andrew ardila caleb cheston danial darren fawlyana guanHui huda janell jermaine jeslyn jessica jiaLi jiaYing junRu karen kayla linJia muYing nick preemal priscilla renie serene shah sharon shaohui shermaine shuhadah shuyun sue(ryana) wanwen willie yiRui yuPing ziYang zyndie GetPsyched. Groovy Orange

for my viewing pleasure.

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to the people with skills.
