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Room 107
Saturday, February 28, 2009

Awesome contemporary (with a slight feel of jazz). Watch 1:08, where she hangs on the door.

Stale, life is.
Friday, February 27, 2009

Playlist update:
Chris Cornell - Preaching the End of the World
Josie & The Pussycates - You Don't See Me
Mirah - The Garden
So all of the songs are old and dated. But still, how many people have them? Listen or you can just tune it off. (Okay, Pussycat Dolls still playing on the playlist. Life is screwed. - 1.39pm)


I have these huge, unsightly bruises on my knees, & they kind of hurt. Time shall heal.

Finally ordered the FU:MC shirts. Changes: Back would not be printed. FU:MC embroidered on the left sleeve. I know, very risky move. Heck. Going to view the sample on Tuesday. It better be worth the money, or else I'll bitch about it here.

Guitar finally tuned. & my pinky didn't go spastic on the G major. Just a thought, so many people are picking up the guitar. Honestly. It doesn't feel right. Nothing has been feeling right these days. I talk differently. Think, feel and act much differently. I went out and hated it. Everyone is like everyone else.

Life so mundane and worthless at times. Show me how to live.


in line, in tune.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

30 mins of pitch perception. For a beginner like me to tune the first 3 strings of the guitar. Maybe I'm even lower than a beginner - dirt maybe. Didn't invest in a tuner and MANUAL TUNING is killing me. (great experience, I guess)

First day of the so-called "much anticipated holidays". I'm supposed to feel, happy - but I don't. I AM NOT EMO.

A million things I want to share with you:

(1) Watching the clouds pass us by as we lay lazily on the fresh cut grass
(2) go wild wild wet and get - as you may expect - wet
(3) Sentosa, tan and the smell of bananas
(4) watch a movie in an empty theater and laugh to our heart's content
(5) watch movies at the comfort of our homes, stuffing ourselves with guilt-free doughnuts and lots of comfy pillows
(6) play board games at EHub and having a ball of a time - without a ball or a care for the time
(7) finding the time to talk over heartfelt issues and maybe even - reminiscences of the past and thinking about our unsure future *playing the song Graduation in the background*
(8) singing karoake (croaking - cause I am just that damn bad) at home
(9) learning mandarin and getting the tones wrong no matter how hard we try

once lived.


I was doing some crazy dance moves at home and scrapped my knees. Honestly, it really felt good - dancing. I haven't performed for the longest of time and my stamina and technique have deteriorated. BUT, I couldn't help it when I see beautiful moving artwork. Wishing it could be me. Pirouettes. Arabesque. Chaînés. DAMN.


The last paper. It didn't feel right at all though. P language is funny. You know when you change the first letter of every word to P. So let's say: Ikuta Toma, then he becomes PIKUTA POMA. (: & EHUB is lovely. Played games I've never played before. Old Maid. Charades. Old school UNO. Taboo. & that game that Raudha and Amanda was good at (oh yeah, Ubongo). :D

I need sleep. - 2.42AM

& Mark is hot. - Stop asking, go watch So You Think You Can Dance 4.

oh crud!
Sunday, February 22, 2009

Ash is a life-saver. I just found out that I have been reading for the wrong test. YES, I KNOW. The dumbest mistake a person can make. & it's close to 11pm now. I have read only 2 chapters for PERCOG.

3 more IMPORTANT chapters > 4 more Term 2 chapters > 5 more Past chapters


the burn.

Cakka Kawekas Nuraga

Finally booted out from the competition. Last week I cried when he was out. Rejoiced when they said there was no elimination. And cried again today, when he was eliminated.

He is too cool for a 10 year old boy. Red skinnies never looked this good on anybody. Fine, he doesn't have the powerful belting voice but he sure has the star power. It's sissy to cry over him but still, Sunday afternoons will never be the same. Besides, he is JAVANESE - we are of the same kind of breed. & I so love his style - part formal, part punk-ish, just right.

Side note: I need to get myself skinnies. & making banners is hard when PPT PMS and you feel restricted by its functions. Ah.


A smoker and all that noise. Can't breathe and can't focus. Damn it.

It's like O levels all over again. The damn headache. Agitated by the smallest of things. The clenched fist. The throbbing in my heart. On the verge of just losing it. Angsty. Very much so.

back to exile.
Saturday, February 21, 2009

That sly smirk on his face. & no case study. I wish you well.

I have no idea which is more disappointing. The test or Chris Cornell's collaboration with Timbaland. (I used to think he was cool.)
♫ Listen to Audioslave - Like a Stone/ Chris Cornell - Can't Change Me.

Passing Comment: Changed the blog songs. Matchbox Twenty - Push/Audioslave - Like A Stone/Pussycat Dolls - I Hate This Part - I just like the last song a lot, somehow. Everyone one loves mainstream. Not emo.

GOOD LUCK to those who want and need it. Journals done. PhysioPsy and PerCog. Must start now. - 10:33AM.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Just because this blog has been far too wordy:


Fever felt horrible. Even the family doctor was sick. What are the odds. My bulbous nose looks like a pink light bulb. Extremely unsightful (even more than usual). On a lighter note, mum bought stainless steel chopsticks. & stuck them all on my bun. I know, it's very random. BUT i always wanted them! (:

Must.Study.For.I/O.My.Favourite.Subject.Teacher. Hehs.

you make me feel.
Monday, February 16, 2009

Caught the flu.
Can't breathe right, head aches, runny nose, throat sore.
It's because you're not in the mood too.
You, please get better.
I really do care.

interview with the vampire.
Sunday, February 15, 2009

I spent the whole of V-Day lazing around at home. Immobolised. Probably cause I slept really late. Cakka and Patton made my day. (: I need to buy myself skinnies.


Groovy Orange meetup on Friday night was fun. Even though I spent more time eating at Breek's and window shopping. By the time I reached, everyone was pretty much stoning and just laughing at Nat's and Shah's bitchy comments (Okay, maybe just listening to Nat bitch).


Huda, you suck.

Your day, S.A.D.
Thursday, February 12, 2009

Whole morning spent working on the S.A.D. board. Impression: It looks like what girlfriends will give each other for birthdays. & it's Orange. (You do know that I don't really like orange. Dislike. Hate.)


Attention span has decreased to an all-time low. I thought I would be spending the whole two weeks mugging, but I didn't. Spent hours in school, socialising and stoning.

Need to read PhysioPsyche. 4 compulsory essay questions! Praying for the best. Must-do-well. Please.


Sunday, February 08, 2009

you felt it, didn't you?

This post shall be filled with ambiguous comments and statements.

Finally drafted out FU:MC shirts. The term is ending, time to pull out the big guns, and cannons. Done with this, working on Media Presentation. Need more resources + inspirations + lots of time. Full back Vest.

Start studying now. PerCog + PhysioPsy. 2 FULL WEEKS

11 Feb - APIP-RMA Media Presentation
13 Feb - I/O Psyche Written Report
20 Feb - I/O Psyche EXAM + PerCog Journals
23 Feb - PerCog EXAM
24 Feb - PhysioPsyche EXAM

You might see tasklist posted on other PSY blogs. (Not pointing fingers - Janell)

Is it now already?

I feel.
Thursday, February 05, 2009

"Somehow, I saw it coming."

For the past 2 days, I have been avoiding. Like I always do. Because the avoidance theory is one of the easiest way to prevent any form of negative emotions from engulfing you. Period.

1. I hate technology.

Point no. 1: It really is tiring, how some people have phones but when you sms them something important, you don't get a response from them. And yet, you see them carrying their phones in their hands everywhere there go. I need to start replying smses.

Point no. 2: Do people read their emails? And, why must people have hundreds of emails and never read them (or at least, remove them)? As a result, some of the important or urgent emails may be overlooked. It's funny when you're on the receiving end. But, when you send out an email, and the people concerned don't read them, it gets really frustrating. I need to start reading emails and reply when needed.

Point no. 3: Did I say, I dislike (and at times - hate) technology.

2. I want to pass.

Point no. 1: I need to pass my core subjects. Right now, I have not started doing any revision. Motivation is low and honestly, interest is slowing depleting. I guess the modules this term are extremely dry (no more public speaking and academic writing). I need to start revision, especially for I/O.

Point no. 2: Leadership test is on Saturday, I need to borrow the book from the library. The bad thing is that the book is in the Red Spot corner, hence, I can only borrow it for 3 hours. Very depressing indeed. The book is at the corner of my eye now, but I-don't-want-to-read-it. I need to read the Leadership textbook.

3. I need more time. (& always will.)

Point no. 1: Honestly, I have neglecting my studies for the longest of times. Have been at design school helping out for the EVD exhibition. Avoidance theory, in this case, is used as a distraction for me. However, it solves absolutely nothing. I still haven't revised, I still feel unprepared. I need to make my studies, number 1.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Having those bitchy days. I judge but see them in a negative light. I know, very shallow indeed.

And, I prepared for a presentation that is due next week. BUT, not get started on the one that is due TOMORROW. *bangs head*

Painting in Design school is fun, I swear. I miss art.

I wonder...

How come I get so worked up when other people procrastinate, but not when I do it myself?

Also, did I say how much I dislike group work?

Well, I still do and always will. It's really difficult to trust people, especially when the deadline is dreadfully near. & when you're stuck with a shitload of work, you tend to procrastinate.

By the time I reach home from school today, I will be awfully tired. & sadly, there is only an hour break (unless I skip lecture) tomorrow. Two presentations in a day. Still, last minute work annoys me.

Restrain from using vulgarities. Please.

of the coolest person, ever

A selfish, shallow individual who is simple-minded but pretends to be someone complicated because every one is like that. I know this description will need to be changed and maybe the next time I look at it, I will go, "What the hell was I thinking?" until then, I shall keep it like that. Oh, I like black and I try so hard to be an individual. It's so hard to be just that when everyone is trying to be their own person. So, I gave up and became like everyone else. The world is complicated.

facebook! livejournal! email! twitter! tumblr! maybe soon.

for your bloody comments.

whenever this blog bores you.

♥Tegan and Sara
Limited Hype | Tuneage

abel afidah aiken alisha andrew ardila caleb cheston danial darren fawlyana guanHui huda janell jermaine jeslyn jessica jiaLi jiaYing junRu karen kayla linJia muYing nick preemal priscilla renie serene shah sharon shaohui shermaine shuhadah shuyun sue(ryana) wanwen willie yiRui yuPing ziYang zyndie GetPsyched. Groovy Orange

for my viewing pleasure.

06.05 07.05 11.05 12.05 01.06 02.06 03.06 04.06 05.06 06.06 07.06 08.06 09.06 10.06 11.06 12.06 01.07 02.07 03.07 04.07 06.07 07.07 01.08 02.08 04.08 05.08 06.08 07.08 08.08 09.08 10.08 11.08 12.08 01.09 02.09 03.09 04.09 05.09 06.09 07.09 08.09 09.09 10.09 11.09 12.09 01.10 02.10 03.10

to the people with skills.
