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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Itchy, itchy, scratchy, scratchy. Up and down my backy wacky.

My whole body is itchy and there is this serious heat rash business monopolizing my chin, neck and chest area. It's started to hurt right now. And the acne factory is busy working too. In fact, it hurts everywhere.

How am I to face the world like this?



Sweat + School
Thursday, October 22, 2009


The weather is unforgiving. Am sweating in the singlet and shorts. However, don't mistake this for the sweating you get from exercise, the doctor said it's not the same. Sweat, sweat, sweaty sweat. So sticky, so smelly. Hope it rains soon - so we can complain about the humidity and how it frizzes one's hair. Humans; we will never be satisfied.

School just started a few days ago. Was hoping that a couple of the people might change their appearance (eg. undergo nose job, breast augmentation, afro, get a sense of style) but was horribly disappointed. Everyone looked the same! This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it will be nice to be able to gawk at a pretty face in lecture.

Anyway, first assignment for Health Psychology is very cool. Basically, we need to stick to a specific regime of our choice (i.e diet, gymming) and just report the results and all the other shit into a 2000-word essay. I'm a sucker for this kind of things (but once the interest dies, or gets too inconvenient, I'll just forget about it), it should be pretty easy, right? Plus - NO EXAMS!

I think I have already run out of clothes to wear.


Thursday, October 08, 2009

How come nobody is updating this?

Story books are far more interesting than my life and so, shall indulge in that. Won't be back much.


of the coolest person, ever

A selfish, shallow individual who is simple-minded but pretends to be someone complicated because every one is like that. I know this description will need to be changed and maybe the next time I look at it, I will go, "What the hell was I thinking?" until then, I shall keep it like that. Oh, I like black and I try so hard to be an individual. It's so hard to be just that when everyone is trying to be their own person. So, I gave up and became like everyone else. The world is complicated.

facebook! livejournal! email! twitter! tumblr! maybe soon.

for your bloody comments.

whenever this blog bores you.

♥Tegan and Sara
Limited Hype | Tuneage

abel afidah aiken alisha andrew ardila caleb cheston danial darren fawlyana guanHui huda janell jermaine jeslyn jessica jiaLi jiaYing junRu karen kayla linJia muYing nick preemal priscilla renie serene shah sharon shaohui shermaine shuhadah shuyun sue(ryana) wanwen willie yiRui yuPing ziYang zyndie GetPsyched. Groovy Orange

for my viewing pleasure.

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to the people with skills.
